如何省钱 & 同时减少能源的使用



In today’s world, finding ways to save money and reduce energy consumption is a win-win situation. 它不仅有利于你的钱包, but it also helps protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving valuable resources. 在这个博客中, we will explore practical tips and strategies to help you save money while minimizing your energy use.

The US EPA says that leaving the 水 running while brushing your teeth wastes an average of four gallons each time. 一个四口之家, 每个人每天刷两次牙的地方, 这就浪费了32加仑的水. Turning off lights when you leave a room can save electricity and lower your utility bills. 根据美国环保署, 在晚上和周末关掉设备和灯, 当电器不使用时拔掉插头可以减少能源浪费.

你不需要为了减少能源消耗而牺牲舒适度. Today, we’re highlighting some of the best ways to save money and reduce energy use at the same time.


Some of the best ways to save energy and money include simple tips you can implement today around your home.


  • 把你的灯泡换成LED灯泡
  • 安装可编程恒温器
  • 给你的房子做防风处理,并定期维护
  • 利用十大赌博官方正规网址光
  • 用冷水洗衣服
  • 升级暖通空调系统



One of the best ways to save money and reduce energy use is by adjusting your thermostat a few degrees.

If it’s cold during the winter, then you tend to dress warmer inside and outside your home.

如果夏天天气暖和的话, 然后你倾向于在家里和外面穿更凉爽的衣服.

Dressing indoors to match the conditions outdoors is a great way to save money. If you can adjust your thermostat 1 to 2 degrees closer to the outside temperature, 你可以节省数百美元的家庭供暖和制冷费用.

事实上,根据PG&E, every degree above 78° F represents savings of approximately 2% on cooling costs. 即使在78华氏度, your home’s air conditioning system could be running 50% of the time regardless of your home’s insulation and weathering.


许多公用事业公司使用智能计量来帮助你省钱. 以下是智能电表的工作原理:

  • 你的公用事业公司在你家里安装了一个特殊的“智能电表”. This smart meter tracks how much electricity you’re using in a more advanced way than a traditional utility meter.
  • Some utility companies pay you just for installing a smart meter in your home. Others let you control or manage your home’s electricity use via an online dashboard.
  • 智能电表的最大好处, 然而, 是否有能力切换到使用时间定价模式. The utility company may charge significantly cheaper rates for electricity during off-peak hours. 而不是运行洗碗机, 洗衣机, 晚上6点到8点看电视, 例如, 你可以在晚上10点以后使用主要电器.

Smart metering can help you save anywhere from 5% to 20% off your utility bills per year, 取决于消费. That could mean hundreds of extra dollars in your pocket each year – just for simple lifestyle changes.



一些节能技术是一种投资. 你今天投资于这项技术, 在未来,它会以节约能源的形式带来回报, 降低水电费, 更低的维护成本, 还有其他节省.

Some of the ways to invest in energy saving technology in your home include:

  • 安装一个更高效的暖通空调系统. 最好的暖通空调系统今天可能会花费更多, but they could save you hundreds of dollars in electricity over the lifespan of your unit.
  • 投资太阳能电池板. The average home solar panel array lasts for 20 to 30 years and pays for itself in 5 or 10 years.
  • 购买节能电器. 比如暖通空调系统, energy-efficient appliances may cost more today but save you money – and maintenance costs – long-term.
  • Replace your most frequently used light fixtures with Energy Star-certified LED light bulbs, which use up to 90% less energy and last 15 times longer than standard bulbs, 据能源之星报道.政府.
  • Invest in a blower door test or infrared camera test to spot leakage in your home. An infrared camera can reveal surprising sources of wasted energy in your home. Some also perform blower door tests, which use a special fan to identify gaps and cracks. You might pay a few hundred dollars for a test today to save thousands in the future by identifying a hidden source of energy waste – like a poorly insulated attic.


Make the most of natural light and ventilation to reduce the need for artificial lighting and cooling. Open curtains and blinds during the day to let sunlight illuminate your space. 另外, 有策略地放置窗户或通风口可以促进十大赌博官方正规网址气流, 减少对空调和风扇的依赖.



大多数公司都对气候不利. They make the environment worse by using energy, polluting the environment, emitting greenhouse 气体.

一些公司是气候中立的. 他们抵消碳排放或采取其他措施来减少浪费.

当公司变成积极的气候或消极的碳, 他们开始以积极的方式抵消对环境的影响. Carbon negative and climate positive represent the same idea: actively removing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than is produced. These initiatives aim to restore a stable climate by offsetting human-generated emissions and actively contributing to climate change mitigation.

ECOS 对气候积极感到自豪吗. We’ve spent five decades perfecting clean manufacturing and sustainable business practices. In 2021, 我们成为了一个对气候有利的制造商, 这意味着我们减少了碳的环境足迹, 水, energy and offset 110% of our remaining impacts with investments in clean energy projects and 水 restoration programs – leaving the world better than we found it. We’re also the first manufacturer in the country to achieve LEED Zero Carbon, LEED零能耗, LEED Zero Waste certification – all of which contribute to a better future.

Some of the world’s largest corporations have 宣布计划 to become carbon negative, a type of climate positivity where a company offsets more carbon than it emits. 这些公司包括:

微软该公司承诺到2030年实现碳负排放. 事实上, by 2050, 微软 plans to remove all atmospheric carbon it has ever produced since its launch in 1975.

宜家,它有 宣布计划 到2030年实现碳负排放.

直觉 (maker of TurboTax, Mint, QuickBooks),它有 pledged 到2030年实现碳负排放.

一些公司也承诺实现碳中和. 谷歌例如,美国在2007年首次实现了碳中和,而 网飞公司 2022年实现碳中和. Facebook,苹果,雀巢, 可口可乐, meanwhile, have 宣布计划 to go carbon neutral between 2030 and 2050.


今天做一点工作,将来你就能省下一大笔钱. From investing in more energy-efficient light bulbs to buying products from climate positive companies like ECOS, you can save money and reduce wasted energy and carbon emissions at the same time.